The U.S. army’s lease in Mākua expires on August 16, 2029, which is only 10 years away. The time is now to start thinking about the future of sacred Mākua. At this point, we do not know if the army has plans to renew the lease or leave Mākua. Mālama Mākua’s mission is to protect and secure the return of this sacred valley for culturally appropriate use. We always say that Mākua leads the way, because Mākua is in ultimately in control. Mākua can reach out in different ways, though, so as we all look to the future, we want to engage with our community in sharing manaʻo about the future of Mākua.
Sacred Mākua
Click on the title of this post to kūkākūkā or share your manaʻo on sacred Mākua and what Mākua means to you and/or the community/island/archipelago. With the army lease in Mākua being up in 2029 - see the countdown clock at the bottom of any page on this site - feel free to share thoughts on the future of Mākua. All manaʻo are welcome.